The Online MLS Curriculum

There are numerous corporate roles that require compliance skill and expertise, and while most will benefit greatly from broad legal knowledge and experience, those who occupy these positions do not necessarily want (or need) to be lawyers. The Online MLS in Corporate Compliance from Santa Clara Law has been purposefully designed for these professionals.

Elevate your performance and accelerate your career with industry-relevant legal training that meets the growing demand for ethical leaders with legal skills, business acumen, and specific compliance and risk-management technical abilities. Timely coursework will challenge you to deepen your compliance knowledge and hone the skills to:

  • Influence organizational culture and develop a comprehensive ethics program that produces long-term corporate sustainability and good corporate governance
  • Apply Silicon Valley tactics to compliance issues by thinking entrepreneurially, innovating new strategies, and developing technological solutions
  • Develop precise written and verbal corporate communications targeting executives, employees, regulatory bodies, and external stakeholders
  • Synthesize regulations with business objectives to develop compliance policies and processes to monitor, audit, and correct corporate behavior, creating an environment that can further the business interests of the company
  • Assess enterprise risk and implement risk-mitigation strategies

Program Details

  • 12 courses, totaling 36 units of credit
  • Graduate in as little as a year
  • Complete coursework 100% online

Curriculum Overview

Quarter 1

This course introduces the corporate compliance function by examining the need for corporate compliance programs, challenges faced by companies, key roles, and an overview of processes. Students will evaluate the need for corporate compliance programs and identify the key components of a successful compliance program. Additionally, the course will focus on the need of a compliance officer in a multinational conglomerate to understand varying cultural competencies and develop the requisite soft skills to work across cultures.
The course provides an overview of varying types of business organizations (public, NGO, etc.), relevant regulations related to different corporate formations, and key differences in terms of compliance. At the completion of the course, students will be able to identify various business organization formations such as joint ventures, partnerships, incentives, and sales programs. They will understand corporate cultures associated with various organization designs and how corporate culture impacts leadership development. Simulations and other in-class experiences will permit them to implement internal controls and auditing systems.
Workshop class taken each quarter in which guest presenters address current and emerging trends in the compliance professions. Students will view vignettes from a video catalog, draft reflective pieces that identify emerging issues facing compliance professionals, and create their own professional development plans to enhance their personal soft skills and emotional intelligence.

Quarter 2

Global Ethics/Compliance II is a continuation of Global Ethics/Compliance I, with a greater focus on external investigations, settlements, prosecutions, and the future of compliance. Students will identify the role of prosecutors in compliance matters, evaluate available corporate options when there is evidence of wrongdoing, and develop a plan to help a corporation facing prosecution.
Students enrolled in Corporate Communications will focus on improving their corporate communication style with an emphasis on developing concise, business-appropriate communications delivered through different media and to a variety of audience types. Students will develop concise, impactful communications for a variety of internal and external stakeholders and apply their communication skills to draft policies, procedures, processes, and other communications. With the role of external auditors and regulators in mind, students will also develop communication record-keeping plans.
Workshop class taken each quarter in which guest presenters address current and emerging trends in the compliance professions. Students will view vignettes from a video catalog, draft reflective pieces that identify emerging issues facing compliance professionals, and create their own professional development plans to enhance their personal soft skills and emotional intelligence.

Quarter 3

This course addresses regulations and compliance areas experienced by most corporations. Regulatory topics may include supply chain/sustainability, harassment, violence in the workplace, and anti-bribery/corruption. The course will focus on trends in various common corporate regulatory areas. Students will apply their knowledge of regulations and trends to evaluate examples of compliance program implementation and develop surveys, statements, training, and other processes that apply to relevant regulatory areas.
Compliance Processes explores challenges and priorities in various compliance-related processes, including hiring, monitoring, policy drafting, training, communications, auditing, and investigations. Students will be able to identify the key compliance processes within a corporation and develop various plans, communications, policies, and proposals related to compliance processes.
Workshop class taken each quarter in which guest presenters address current and emerging trends in the compliance professions. Students will view vignettes from a video catalog, draft reflective pieces that identify emerging issues facing compliance professionals, and develop their own professional development plans to enhance their personal soft skills and emotional intelligence.

Quarter 4

A continuation of the Top Regulations I course that addresses additional regulations and compliance areas experienced by most corporations. Topics may include supply chain/sustainability, harassment, violence in the workplace, and anti-bribery/corruption. This course will focus on trends in various common corporate regulatory areas. Students will apply their knowledge of regulations and trends to evaluate examples of compliance program implementation and develop surveys, statements, training, and other processes that apply to relevant regulatory areas.
This course addresses risk management processes as well as the metrics used to measure compliance with regulations and conduct a risk analysis. Students will evaluate various types of systems used to monitor and measure compliance, analyze sample metrics, and develop a risk management plan.
Workshop class taken each quarter in which guest presenters address current and emerging trends in the compliance professions. Students will view vignettes from a video catalog, draft reflective pieces that identify emerging issues facing compliance professionals, and develop their own professional development plans to enhance their personal soft skills and emotional intelligence.