Anna Brathwaite and Patrick Stokes, both 3L students at the Katharine and George Alexander Community Law Center, recently negotiated a $20,000 settlement for unpaid wages on behalf of their client. Their client, Ms. E. detailed cars for a local business. She was paid per car detailed and was required to remain on the employer’s premises even when no work was available. As a result, she was often paid less than the minimum rate for the hours she was required to be at work. When she asked her employer for fair pay, the employer retaliated against her.
Ms. E came to the Alexander Law Center through the Workers’ Rights Advice Clinic seeking help in recovering her unpaid wages. The Law Center agreed to represent her and filed a claim with the Labor Commission on her behalf seeking unpaid overtime, meal and rest breaks, and penalties. Anna represented Ms. E at her Labor Commission hearing and won on all issues.
The defendant filed an appeal in Superior Court and trial was set for April 30, 2007. Patrick took over Ms. E’s representation. He filed and obtained cost waivers for the client, and drafted a settlement demand to defendant’s counsel. Defense counsel responded and over the next few weeks Patrick negotiated a settlement of $20,000. The settlement amount represents all of Ms. E’s unpaid wages, for which Ms. E and her family of five are very grateful.