While most students spend Spring Break sleeping, relaxing on the beach, or catching up on outlining, twelve Santa Clara Law students chose to spend Spring Break 2016 advancing their career goals.

caravan 2016 009Since 2014, Santa Clara Law’s Office of Career Management has been organizing Career Caravans to build relationships between alumni and students.  As students meet with alumni they engage in career exploration and learn how to navigate the job search process.  Over the past two years, the Office of Career Management has organized approximately 20 Career Caravans with alumni in the Bay Area and Southern California.

By joining the Santa Clara Law Goes Hollywood Career Caravan this year, twelve Santa Clara Law students met with Santa Clara Law alumni servicing the Los Angeles area entertainment industry including:

  • Alison Choppelas J.D. ’00 at CBS;
  • Nicole Nakagawa J.D. ’04 at SAG-AFTRA;
  • Ben Procter J.D. ’08 and Everett Hendler from Lionsgate Entertainment, and Paul Marchegiani from Miramax Films;
  • Brian Rupp J.D. ’98 at the Walt Disney Company;
  • David Taghioff J.D. ’98, Lara Bahr J.D. ’15 and Jason Hafford at Creative Artists Agency.

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As a result of the Santa Clara Goes Hollywood Career Caravan, the students learned about the various roles Santa Clara Law graduates play in the entertainment industry including working in-house for studios, a talent management agency, and a non-profit organization.  Practice area discussions focused on trademark protection, labor representation, intellectual property, digital distribution, business and legal affairs, transactional practice, and international business.  

Vicki Huebner, Assistant Dean for the Office of Career Management, has been pleased to learn that in the short time since returning from Spring Break students who participated in the Career Caravan have been corresponding with alumni.

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“The alumni gave students a sense of hope that they could achieve their career goals and provided tangible advice about how to begin their career in the entertainment industry,” Assistant Dean Huebner said. “I am thankful to work with such a generous alumni community.”  

Alumni interested in becoming part of a future Career Caravan should contact Vicki Huebner at vhuebner@scu.edu.  

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