The American Bar Association’s Real Property, Probate & Trust Journal has announced that SCU law student, Michael J. Percy, has received first place in the 2006 Quarles & Brady Property & Probate Scholarship Student Writing Contest. The title of his essay is:  "Delta Levees – Tort Immunity vs. Takings Liability."

As first-place winner Michael will receive $2,000 cash and a one-year free membership in the Section, plus free round-trip airfare and weekend accommodations to attend the Section’s Fall Council Meeting November 2-5, 2006, in Scottsdale, Arizona. His essay will also be considered for publication in the Real Property, Probate & Trust Law Journal, and may appear in an upcoming issue.

The Quarles & Brady Prize is sponsored by the real estate and estate planning practice groups of Quarles & Brady LLP, a group of more than 70 lawyers practicing nationwide from the firm’s offices in Phoenix, Milwaukee, Chicago, Tucson, Naples, and Madison, Wisconsin.

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