Life has been hard for Robert Dewey since he was released from prison in April. The Colorado exoneree spent 16 years wrongfully imprisoned and left empty-handed. Not only was Dewey denied access to all the post-release aid that parolees are given, Colorado also has no compensation statute. Dewey has no recourse for recompense.

Since his release, Dewey has been living with relatives and surviving on $200 a month in food stamps. He has not been able to find a job and has back problems due to an injury while in prison.

Colorado prosecutors agree that the state needs to do something to compensate its exonerees and they have called for legislation to be introduced. Only 27 states and the District of Columbia currently have compensation statutes. As Dewey’s attorney told The Denver Post, “Getting Mr. Dewey freed was a very important part of the fight. Keeping him off the streets is important too.”

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