I will be participating in two national tax advice call-ins. Both will be at 3PM ET, with the first one on Wednesday, January 25 and the second one on Wednesday, February 8.

The purpose of these calls is to answer questions from LGBT taxpayers who are trying to do their own tax returns. Some tax return preparers may also find the information helpful, although the topics covered are likely to be more basic than advanced.

Questions that I am sure will be addressed include:

? Can I claim the adoption credit if I adopt my partner’s child?
? What is my filing status if I am legally married in the state where I reside?
? If I am receiving alimony from my “ex” must I include it in taxable income?
? How should domestic partner benefits be taxed?
? Can I claim my partner or my partner’s child as a dependent?


There will be at least three experts on each call. Participants can ask questions and we will do our best to provide answers. We may even have different answers to some questions. That is because the law is not clear in every case and there are justifications for taking different positions. It should be fun. For more information click here.