Student Bulletin – Course Descriptions

School of Law Student Bulletin

First-Year Curriculum

114A Civil Procedure 1 and 114B Civil Procedure 2

102A Contracts 1 and 102B Contracts 2

102C Contracts 1e and 102D Contracts 2e

106  Criminal Law

101A Legal Research and Writing 1 and 101B Legal Research and Writing 2

104  Property

103  Torts

465  Critical Lawyering Skills Seminar

Required Advanced Curriculum

105  Advocacy

200 Constitutional Law I 

201 Constitutional Law II 

320 Evidence

302 Professional Responsibility 

Upper-Division Proficiency Points Eligible Classes

200 Constitutional Law I, 201 Constitutional Law II, 320 Evidence, and 302 Professional Responsibility are upper-division proficiency points eligible classes.

Additional upper-division proficiency points eligible classes are listed below:

248 Business Organizations

281 Wills and Trusts

290 Community Property

310 Criminal Procedure: Investigation

311 Criminal Procedure: Adjudication

324 Remedies

540 Advanced Torts

543 Real Estate Conveyancing

Elective Courses

For a complete list of required and elective courses, see the Course Listing page.