Mission Statement
The mission of the Sports and Entertainment Law Society (SELS) is to provide students with access to practitioners and other individuals in the sports and entertainment law fields, and to afford students the opportunity to pursue and explore the many areas of sports and entertainment law.
2022-2023 Officers:
Co-President | Cassandra Tran | ctran2@scu.edu |
Co-President | Maria Aiello | maiello@scu.edu |
Co-Vice President Sports | Amanda Ogata | amogata@scu.edu |
Co-Vice President Sports | Joshua Vergules | jvergules@scu.edu |
Co-Vice President Entertainment | Kathryn Reynolds | kgreynolds@scu.edu |
Co-Vice President Entertainment | Maria Luzardo Figueredo | mluzardofigueredo@scu.edu |
Secretary | Caroline Hammer | chammer@scu.edu |
Treasurer | Alyssa Franks | afranks@scu.edu |
Description of the Club
The Sports and Entertainment Law Society assists law students to pursue a career in sports and entertainment law by hosting guest speakers, and organizing site visits that provide students with information and networking opportunities.
Active Member Organization, Student Bar Association 2022-2023