The Law Library’s research librarians are your most valuable contact within the library. You may also phone us with your research questions at 408-554-4452 or e-mail us at
How can the Law Library’s reference librarians help with legal research?
We can help you begin your research by suggesting a variety of print and electronic resources about your topic.
We can find materials for you in our online catalog, OSCAR.
We can assist with law review citation checks by tracking down hard-to-find materials and deciphering obscure legal citations.
We can explain how to use electronic databases.
If the item that you need is not available in our library, we can help you use Link+ or our interlibrary loan system to find the material in other library collections.
If you have a research question, we invite you to contact us for assistance with your research strategy.
If you are SCU faculty you will be assigned a librarian as your personal liaison.
Research Services Hours:
Monday – Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Holiday, vacation, and summer hours may vary.
Reference Desk Telephone: 408-554-4452
Research Librarian Email:
Legal Research
The Law Library’s reference librarians offer the following resources to make the legal research process a little easier:
- Legal Research Guides.
- The Law Library’s research librarians are always willing to assist you with your legal research. Please feel free to stop by the Reference Desk or a reference librarian’s office: you are not interrupting!!
Interlibrary Loan
If you cannot locate a specific item in the Law Library or in the Main University Library, you may use the law library’s interlibrary loan system to obtain the materials. You may make an interlibrary loan request in any of the following ways:
- If a reference librarian is not immediately available, you may fill out an interlibrary loan request form and leave it at the Law Library Circulation Desk
- You may also make an interlibrary loan request on OSCAR (the Law Library’s online library catalog). Simply fill out and submit the ILL form.